Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Traitor Joe" Watch

Lieberman wants to be forgiven:
Now that the election is over, it is time to put partisan considerations aside and come together as a nation to solve the difficult challenges we face and make our blessed land stronger and safer. I pledge to work with President-elect Obama and his incoming Administration in their efforts to reinvigorate our economy and keep our nation secure and free.
Fuck him. Let him caucus with the Democrats, if he wants, but he should not be chairman of anything other than the Committee to Hand Out Towels in the Congressional Gym. A lot of Democrats ran away from Lieberman during the Democratic primary in 2006, but Obama strongly endorsed him. Lieberman was begging for Obama's help back then and Obama obliged.

Obama strikes me as being a fundamentally gracious man. Two months ago, when there was the fuss about Palin's daughter being pregnant at age 17, Obama could have kept his mouth shut and said nothing, or just say "that is a private family matter." What Obama did, however, was note that his mother gave birth to him when she was 18 and to ask that everybody "back off."

The Democrats in the Senate, however, are under no compulsion to make nice with Traitor Joe. They should exact some level of retribution so that it is clear that endorsing and campaigning for the candidate of the other party is treason and will be dealt with as such.

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