Friday, November 7, 2008

To Those Who Say That George W. Bush is "a Fundamentally Decent Man:"

I say: You assume facts not in evidence.

Fundamentally decent men do not sign off on trashing the Constitution.

Fundamentally decent men do not approve of the use of torture.

Fundamentally decent men do not fabricate the need to go to war.

A fundamentally decent president realizes that he is the president of the entire country and has some consideration for the 49% of the electorate who voted for the other guy.

A fundamentally decent president does not spend his day figuring out how can pander to his base at the expense of the rest of the country.

Fundamentally decent men do not make jokes and remain on vacation or attend fundraisers while an entire American city is being flooded.

Fundamentally decent men do not use soldiers as political backdrops.

Fundamentally decent men do not seek to use the legislative power of the Federal government to meddle in the affairs of a single family.

Fundamentally decent men do not question the loyalty and patriotism of those who disagree with them.

Fundamentally decent men recognize that there can be a variety of legitimate opinions on any issue and listen to those differing opinions with open minds.

George Bush is not a fundamentally decent man.


  1. This is a GREAT blog. Thank you, Misfit. Of course, you are exactly correct.

  2. Ditto from the post above.


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