Friday, November 7, 2008


Retailers are reporting a "collapse" of consumer sales.
“You walk the mall and consumers look like zombies,” said Mr. Morris of Wachovia, after visiting a mall last week. “They’re there in person, but not in spirit.”
I found it interesting that Neiman-Marcus is reporting that sales for October plunged 28% compared to last year.

Maybe they should have let Palin keep those credit cards. She was trying to single-handedly stave off a recession.


  1. Who has disposable income? Most people I know have maxed out their plastic buying necessities.

  2. My credit cards are gathering cobwebs. I pay cash for everything I need now, and what I need are the basics like groceries and gasoline.
    I'll buy the big ticket items once Obama is sworn in. Until then, Bush can suck it.

  3. Cash-only here -- we're paying off debt and not buying new crap.

    The entire economy can suck it; we're not playing.

    "Spend our way to prosperity" is what got us in to this mess.

  4. The Europeans are suffering but nowhere near as badly. First, they have a safety net. Secondly, their economies are not based upon mass consumption in the first place. The average European buys a car every ten years, not every four years like Americans. Thirdly, Europe's economy is manufacturing based, relying on protectionist barriers to allow production of higher-quality goods with more labor inputs than would be possible if they had to compete with China's cheap labor. As a result, close to 40% of Europe's workers are employed in manufacturing and trades, as vs. under 15% of U.S. workers.

    At some point in time, we are going to have to have a President who looks at the bottom line for ordinary Americans, not the bottom line for Wal-Mart, when making decisions about things like trade and manufacturing policy. But that isn't going to be now. We're too addicted to our cheap Chinese garbage from Wal-mart (the only store chain that had a sales *increase* in October). So it goes. Democracy is the notion that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. We're getting it, hmm?

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  5. Over the last month, the only time I use a credit card is at a gas pump. Things have been slow in my line of work for 18 months, now, and I have relearned how much stuff I really do not need.


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