Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome to the 1980s, Sen. McCain

Weird, indeed:
[John] McCain told Radar magazine in an upcoming interview that his favorite shows are "Dexter," "Lost," "Seinfeld," "The Wire," and "The Tudors." This is where it gets peculiar: McCain says that he often doesn't watch the shows themselves, instead he just reads the scripts, "because obviously with my schedule and such, I don't get a chance to watch them on a regular basis."
Hey, Senator, they invented something in the 1980s you may have heard about: It is called a "videocassette recorder," or "VCR" for short. You can actually tape a television show and watch it at a later time! They now make a thing called a "digital video recorder," or "DVR, and you can record to a digital video disk that is the same size as a compact disc (you know, the things that largely replaced cassette tapes and LP records. (LPs eventually replaced the Edison cylinders you may have played when you were a kid.)

Holy Jumping Hannah, how can this guy be so out of touch with the modern world? Reading the script of a TV show gets you maybe 10% of the show; you miss the sets and the acting. Imagine, if you will, you were to just read the script for "Star Wars" or "Saving Private Ryan,"you'd probably wonder what all of the fuss was about.

I can understand presidents being somewhat out of touch, what with the SS Bubble that gets erected around them, but McCain is something else!

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