Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain Campaign Cuts Out Palin's Tongue

If this story in Politico is to be believed, the McCain Campaign is dropping the Ayers/Wright line of personal attacks.

I have a few thoughts about why that may be so.

First off, the McCain Campaign has probably concluded that their base needs no more whipping up.

Second, they may also have concluded that their attacks are also whipping up the Democratic base and with Obama showing a lead in the polling data, the last thing they need is a flood of angry Democrats at the polls.

Third, McCain desperately needs to win over the independents and undecideds. They must have polling data that shows that the negative attacks are backfiring badly.

Which leaves this question: If the McCain Campaign drops the negative attacks, what in the world is Bible Spice going to have to talk about? Palin cannot talk coherently on foreign policy ("I can see Russia from my house!" "Afghanistan is our neighbor!"). She cannot talk coherently on the economy. Hell's bells, she can't even name the newspapers that she reads without a detailed briefing and cue cards.

So what is Caribou Barbie to do?

1 comment:

  1. She'll keep up the negative attacks but in order to keep them from reaching the independents etc. that Cranky McDepends is tryin' to get into his column, Caribou Barbie's handlers will just stop allowing press at her events. Duh.

    - Badtux the Realist Penguin


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