Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. said Friday that the government would move ahead with a plan to buy stock in financial institutions.George Bush, John McCain, Phil Gramm and Alan Greenspan gave the bankers and the stockbrokers and the hedge fund "masters of the universe" all the rope they ever wanted. They hung themselves with it and they have risked the stability of the world's economy in order to become insanely wealthy.
So now we have to buy those fuckers out. Chimpy couldn't spend a few billion to pay for health care for children, that was "too costly," but he is throwing a trillion dollars at the financial sector to bail those fuckers out of their misdeeds and prevent their greed from causing adepression.
Screw the FBI's focus on those stupid terrorist cases. A shitload of those federal agents are lawyers and accountants, sic them on the bastards that caused this meltdown. Let them start fighting over who is going to get the upper bunk in a prison cell.
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