When I got into bed last night, Jake crawled under the sheets and kneaded at my side. Then he cuddled up and purred and I petted him. George jumped onto the bed, looked at where purring sounds were coming from under the covers, then laid down on the other side of me. I petted him.
Gracie was late to the party. She climbed up on the bed, sat at the foot of the bed to observe, then she walked up onto me and laid down on me. Since one of my arms was under the covers, I had to alternate with the other one between petting George and Gracie.
After a few minutes, that was not satisfactory to the Queen. Gracie stood up and in one move, she turned, stepped on Jake and smacked George with her tail. Jake ran out from under the covers and got off the bed. George jumped down, leaving Gracie as the only cat on the bed. She then immediately went down to the foot of the bed and laid down, out of my reach.
I suppose that makes sense in the cat universe.
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