Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What Was Your First Clue, Sherlock?

"These are the keys to success in Afghanistan. We cannot kill our way to victory and no armed force anywhere, no matter how good, can deliver these keys alone," [JCS Chairman Admiral] Mullen said.

No. Fucking. Shit. Genius. Anyone who can spend a few hours at a decent public library has figured that out.

I don't mean to be too hard on the Admiral. For one thing is clear, the Joint Chiefs in Bush's wars are about as influential as the German General Staff was in 1942. Bush is taking his direction from the worthless fucks at War Criminal Kagan's think tank. The Joint Chiefs are little more in these wars than highly-paid sergeants who take orders and do the best they can.

So here we are, in a counter-insurgency campaign, where the local government that we are backing is fielding inadequate forces and where the government is famous for its levels of corruption and inefficiency.

Does that sound familiar?

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. Karzai is how you spell Thieu in Pashtun? Am I on the right track, you think?

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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