Thursday, September 25, 2008

Soviet Amerika

Warrantless searches. Warrantless wiretaps. Detentions without trial. Accusations of treason against those opposed to the regime.

And now, socialism, at least for the rich (you poor saps who make less than a few million a year still get to drown without hindrance).

So I am going to follow the lead of John Cole on this and take the title of "comrade."


  1. Oh, cool! (Well, not cool, but you know what I mean.) I am changing my name too, to Comrade PhysioProf!

  2. EBM, they're ripping me a new one and getting all insulted over at my place for "misusing" the term "socialism"! LOLZ!

  3. As one from a socialist republic state you may well be misusing socialism. Then again this admin has been misusing a lot of things.. Clearly socailism is better than fascism, oh and two legs are better than four.

    Comrade Eck!


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