Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So Much for Palin's "Full Cooperation"

Palin and the McCain Campaign are trying to quash the Troopergate probe.

Just the sort of move that I would expect from a campaign that has devolved into a huge bucket of slime.

And here is how to tell if you are a fucking idiot.

UPDATE: And now the Alaskan Attorney General is doing a Gonzales/Mukasey and telling state employees not to honor the Troopergate subpoenas. That tells me that there really is something to the whole scandal and that Palin is as guilty as they come. Which is to say that she is truly qualified to be the vice president of another ethically sleazy Republican administration.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you gotta fight fire with fire. That has been proved...twice, at least, in 2000 and in 2004.
    It is really going to be interesting to see if they manage to squelch the investigation.


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