Friday, September 5, 2008

Pass the Popcorn, I Want Extra Butter on Mine

From ShortWoman comes this link to a story that the National Enquirer is getting ready to break yet another story about a philandering politician.

I don't know about that, for I'd think that if they really had the story, they'd refuse to comment and just cryptically suggest that people wait for the issue to come out. But maybe not, for fear that they might be scooped and lose credit for the story.

This other one about Palin, that she got on an airplane for an eight-hour flight after her water broke, makes no sense to me. I do not know any woman among my friends and relatives who, after her water broke, did not immediately go to the hospital. ShortWoman, however, thought of two reasons as to why Palin might have done just that:

"This should cause any woman who has actually been in labor to be baffled. This only makes sence if one of two things are true: either she had to return to Alaska because that’s where Bristol was having the baby (and the “currently 5 months along” is a lie, but what’s one more lie?); or the baby had to be born in Alaska so he would be a “native born” Alaska citizen should the Alaska Independence Party actually successfully secede."

1 comment:

  1. But hasn't that been the m.o for The National Inquirer? They kind of let the story dribble out and give their fans a taste of what is to come and THEN, the block buster. No, I don't read the rag. The Inquirer is kind of like an infinite number of monkeys playing on a piano....Eventually a true story emerges. Unfortunately, the John Edwards revelations gave the Inquirer the right to demand that some people pay attention. having said that, if they come out with a proved story about Palin having an affair, it will essentially put a last nail in the McSame campaign and that will be just fine with me.


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