Darkblack has it:
Just forget that McCain voted with George Bush 90% of the time, on average (and 100% so far this year).
Just forget that McCain is supposedly against partisanship, but his party has run the most hyperpartisan campaign machine since the days of Tammany Hall.
Just forget that his "anti-earmark" running mate took every earmark she could get, including all of the money to build the roads up to the Bridge to Nowhere, until it became politically inconvenient to do so.
Just forget that McCain was against the Bush tax cuts and against the use of torture before he was for them.
Just forget that McCain referred to the preachers of the Christian Right as "agents of intolerance" before he actively wooed their endorsements.
Just forget that McCain was against offshore drilling before he was for it.
Just forget that McCain's foreign policy adviser is a paid lobbyist for a foreign nation.
Just forget that McCain's campaign is staffed with all manner of lobbyists "on leave" from their jobs.
Just look into the Neuralyzer and become a "good friend" of John McCain.
(H/T to the Ornery Bastard)
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