Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In Case You Wondered Why They Have Been Keeping Palin Under Wraps

This may be the reason why.

Somewhere, out of sight of the press, John Edwards has to be smiling. All of the Wingnuts who have chortled and cheered at the news of Edwards's infidelity now get to be hoisted on their own petards.

John McCain has working on his campaign the very smear-mongers who destroyed his own campaign eight years ago. I have no doubt, none at all, that the McCain campaign would make full and bloody use of a story like this if it pertained to Joe Biden. You need only look at the lies and smears coming out of the McCain campaign as it stands now to know that for a certainty.

The Republicans have called the tune in this campaign and the last few, especially the loathsome "Swift-boating" of John Kerry.

So let them now dance to the music.

(H/T to Americablog)

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least it's confirmed: She really is a MILF.


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