Sunday, September 28, 2008

If You Want to Get Off the "No-Fly" List

All you have to do is change your name. Seriously. That's it.

So it would seem that our much-vaunted "no-fly list" has the ability to catch terrorists who are only as smart as George W. Bush. It will miss out on any who have the sense and the tradecraft to take another name.

Feel safer, yet?

(H/T to Stupid Security)


  1. If I was a Muslim woman with a name like, say, Fatima al Mohammad and a job that required lots of air travel...I'd change it to Jesusita Gonzalez.

  2. But don't dare suggest, while waiting in the cattle call outside of security, that all this worthless security kabuki (WHICH HAS NOT CAUGHT A SINGLE TERRORIST) is, well, worthless. Your own fellow passengers will turn on you and basically accuse *you* of being a terrorist and make a big scene. Because Americans don't want freedom. Americans want Little Brother, a kinder gentler tyranny that makes them feel safer and more secure by subjecting them to meaningless security procedures all the time. This is what America wants. And America is getting it, good and hard. I just wish I didn't have to get it with them. Is it any wonder that it's been over two years since I last stepped into a jet airliner? Unless my mother or brother dies, or I head to China to get on salary over on the winning side, that's probably the last time I'll ever be on one too. Any wonder that the airline industry is croaking?

    - Badtux the Well-searched Penguin


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