Monday, September 15, 2008

How Do You Say "Al-Maliki" in Vietnamese?

"Ngo Dinh Diem."

For, just like Diem, there are now reports that the US government is greenlighting the assassination of Al-Maliki.

That would be just another dumb-ass move by an administration that specializes in dumb-assery. Like it or not, Al-Maliki is as close to a democratically elected leader as Iraq has had in modern history. Having him killed would be monumentally stupid, which is why I suspect the report has some truth to it.

Whacking a democratically-elected leader because our government of morons doesn't like what he is doing sets a terrible precedent, and one that will have an incredible amount of blowback. If Al-Maliki now is killed, everyone in the region will assume that Bush had it done. It will show that when George Bush says he is in favor of democracy, he means "democratically elected leaders who do what I tell them to do." Bush will, in essence, have ratified what the Russians tried to do in Georgia.

Bush will cement his reputation as being as ethically-challenged as Richard Nixon, only with about a quarter of the intelligence.

1 comment:

  1. And the Diem assassination worked out just so well... just like the overthrow of King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia for the crime of remaining neutral during the Vietnam War worked out really well for the U.S., eh?

    What was it that I said about "those who re-write history"...

    - Badtux the History Penguin


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