Friday, September 19, 2008

Explain This One to Me

The reports of Palin's tenure both as governor of Alaska and as mayor of North Bumfuck Wasilla all seem to consistently state that Todd Palin, the "first dude," is deeply involved in the day-to-day operation of Palin's administration. You don't hear a word from the Republicans about it. Not a peep. But when Bill Clinton was the president, man, did those same Republicans scream blue bloody murder at any hint of any Hillary's involvement. And you can bet your ass that if Hillary were president or vice president, that they would have their eyes peeled for any involvement by Bill. So, is there a reason for this other than naked, rampant hypocrisy?


  1. File under "It's always okay if you're a Republican."

    Isn't that sexist? A woman can't shadow govern her husband, but it's okay if her husband shadow governs a woman?

    Get Bill O'Reilly on the phone. I understand he's now crusading against sexism.

  2. Um, you talk to Billo the Clown. I'd rather shoot myself.


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