The Bush Administration is trying to roll back the tightening of the model building code. You may recall that the model building code for skyscrapers was changed after the 9/11 attacks to require things such as better fireproofing, a third stairwell and glow-in-the-dark markings in the stairwells.
The Bush Administration has had no problems with using taxpayer money to impose a new massive Federal bureaucracy whose main function (other than letting New Orleans drown) has been to make air travel into a fucking nightmare, from petty-ass humiliations of passengers at security checkpoints, thieves in the TSA stealing stuff out of people's checked luggage to a no-fly list that seems to be used more of a way of harassing political opponents.
It should be clear by now that, other than the airlines, every time a "we need to tighten up on this" regulation comes about which would make life a little more difficult or costly for the monied interests, the Bush Administration backs off. So even though a third stairwell would save a lot more lives in a fire, well, fuck you if you live or work in a skyscraper.
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