Friday, September 5, 2008

Another RoboMitt Romney Job?

Newell-Rubbermaid is moving the production of vice-grips from Nebraska to China.

Gotta love those crocodile tears that are being shed by the corporate spokesman, a guy who probably couldn't find Nebraska on a map.

Since Willard M. Romney was big into moving jobs offshore, I would not be surprised to learn that he had his dirty mitts in this.

1 comment:

  1. Damn! Now I'm pissed.
    I was bummed when VG's quit carrying the DeWitt, Neb logo until I found that the company had bought Irwin - and that Irwin was an old, repected, American toolmaker.
    I've got Irwin auger bits that are far older than I am.
    Now, shit.
    Gotta go with the obvious offshore products, Great Neck, Crescent, Diamond.
    And I've bought half a dozen of these things over less than as many years.
    Ah well.
    Fuck them.


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