Saturday, August 16, 2008

You Know He's Lying, His Lips are Moving

White House spokesman Tony Fratto said the administration agrees that it needs to do everything possible to prevent unwarranted encroachments on civil liberties, adding that it succeeds the overwhelming majority of the time.

The big lie there is that the Administration has not yet found an "unwarranted encroachment on civil liberties." Every encroachment by the Bush Administration has, to their minds, been warranted. Tap your phones, read your email, track your Internet usage, read your bank statements, monitor your credit cards, watch what you take out from the library or what videos you rent, imprison you without trial, and torture you, all of those have been "warranted" to those ardent defenders of civil liberties who work out of Darth Cheney's offices.

The FBI, the Department of Defense and local police have been spying on political dissidents. The DoD was monitoring the Quakers because they thought they posed a "terrorist threat." This is not ancient history, this is what has been going on under Dorquemada's "Great War on Terror."

There is no concern by any of those police and military agencies for civil rights. Fratto had to have peed his pants in silent laughter when he espoused the concern of the Bush Administration for your civil liberties. If you are a public critic of the Bush Administration, if you are an activist with any civil liberties or human rights organization, or if you have a Muslim-sounding name, you would do well to consider that everything you do is being monitored by one law enforcement agency or another.

1 comment:

  1. those brown shirts look good on Cheney's gang dont they?


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