Thursday, August 14, 2008

What This Guy Said!

It’s touching how American neoconservatives who have no regard for international law when they want to invade some troublesome country have developed a sudden reverence for national sovereignty.

Yeah, it makes you just want to all tear up and cry over their new-found concern for the rule of law, doesn't it?

Funny, though, how in this country, the Bush/Cheney/Neo-con double standard is only being addressed by the editorial cartoonists and the bloggers. You don't hear of any reporter asking Bush or Cheney or Gates or Rice or any of the neo-con skells: "How come it was OK for the USA to invade Iraq and Grenada and Panama to effectuate regime change, but it's now suddenly not OK for Russia to do the same thing? How come it was OK for the USA to bomb Serbia into accepting the dismemberment of its country but it is not OK for Russia to attack Georgia for the same reason?"

You do not have to be a Russophile to see this. You only have to not be an utter hypocrite.

(H/T to the Alternate Brain)


  1. If only we had a media we would stand half a chance.

  2. It's kind of like asking why America and other nuke-having Superpowers get the right to say which other nations can and cannot have their own nukes.


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