Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Totally Stupid Agency

Some moron at the TSA damaged nine (or more) airliners at O'Hare Airport while trying to see if he could break in through the cockpit windows.

Don't you feel safer, now, knowing that those Federal versions of Inspector Clouseau are on the job?


  1. Holy crap, well, if I had needed even one more reason NOT to fly....that would sure as all hells suffice!

  2. If there'd been an FFDO in the area, those guys might have had the surprise they were earning...

  3. Oh come ON! Clousseau was a charming idiot. People wonder why, when we happen on Casablanca while channel-cruising, and when we happen upon the "Here's looking at you kid!", I break out in uncontrollable laughter. Clousseau (destroyed and)owned that scene forever when he did it.
    So the TSA idiots to the Chimperor...but, please, not to Clousseau.


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