Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Only Surrender Monkeys Support Timetables in Iraq;" Part 2

Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki said Monday there would be no security agreement between the United States and Iraq without an unconditional timetable for withdrawal — a direct challenge to the Bush administration, which insists that the timing for troop departure would be based on conditions on the ground.

"No pact or an agreement should be set without being based on full sovereignty, national common interests, and no foreign soldier should remain on Iraqi land, and there should be a specific deadline and it should not be open," Maliki told a meeting of tribal Sheikhs in Baghdad.

The Bush Administration could fuck up a wet dream. If the neo-cons wanted to create an American empire, one of the things on their "to-do" list should have been the installation of puppet governments. The British knew how to do that, so did the Soviets. But here, their hand-picked puppet has realized that he has his own army, his own revenue stream and he isn't going to need the Bushies for long.

So we can add "empire creation" to the ever-lengthening list that is titled "the Failures of George W. Bush."

1 comment:

  1. I kinda like that Maliki has grown a set of balls.
    But then I like my puppets to be as animated and lifelike as possible.


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