Monday, August 4, 2008

The "Mental Recession"

Economic woes are digging in across the country.

The banks are gearing up for another round of foreclosures, larger than the sub-prime series.

But we are only in a "mental recession, at least according to Phil Gramm, the man who is, more than most, responsible for the mortgage melt-down.

So, as your employer slashes your work hours and as the sheriff shows up to evict you from your home, remember this: According to the GOP, it is all in your heads. Nothing is wrong. Which is why McCain promises that he will not deviate an iota from the policies of that drunken wastrel, George W. Bush.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, indeed. The fact that the eldest needed antibiotics, which ate our "extra" money this payday, and now we have 2 dollars to our name until we get paid next Monday, is a figment of my imagination.

    *cue swirly music*


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