Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gitmo Comes to Denver

That is what the Denver Sheriff's Department is re-creating in Denver in advance of the Democratic Party's convention.

I guess if you have to relieve yourself, you just shit and/or piss on the floor and if you are sleepy, you can just lie down in your puddles of piss and/or shit. They'll probably just throw a layer of sand on the floor and make it look like a stockyard's holding pen.

Well, at least the Denver Gestapo is operating at one level of humanity above that of the New York Police Department, for the NYPD just held people for days on end in open-air pens located on a pier on the Hudson River.

(H/T to Outta The Cornfield)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It's Freedom(tm). For some definition of the word that looks an awful lot like Joseph Stalin's definition of the term...

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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