Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fair Warning to All Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines; Pt. 2

If, as a result of the Wars of the Chimperor, it is ever determined that war crimes were committed, you may now be prosecuted for providing material support. Doesn't matter what you were doing or where; if you were on active duty at the time the alleged crimes were committed, you were a part of the machine and that is enough.

This is why.

Oh, and to you guys in Halliburton and KBR and Blackwater: That goes double for you.


  1. This is it? This is all they got? 7 years, 700 billion dollars, and all we got is a fucking taxi driver? What next? They kidnap and put on trial Osama's barber?

    Beware the barber of mass destruction. Sigh.

    - Badtux the Disgusted Penguin

  2. Gee, my Army son drove a couple Colonels around....I better drive his ass to Mexico NOW. Man, my bullshit detector pinged out the sarcasm filter that time...

  3. If those colonels committed any war crimes, your son is on the hook for them now.

    I hate to souund flippant about it, but that is the state of things now.

  4. Yeah, pretty much what I said at my own blog. Tho' said colonels were here in the states...and omg! In charge of transportation units...oh, the evil, the burns.
    Life is getting so venally and evilly stupid, I think we are overdue for the asteroid.

  5. By the way, where is your blog? Your Blogger ID says it is a "non public" profile.

  6. Labrys' blog is 'Walk of the Fallen' and I have a link in my blogroll.

  7. Oh. I already link to that blog.



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