Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bush's Endless Assault on the Constitution

If you thought that George Bush and Richard Cheney were finished with their attempts to disembowel the Constitution and install a system of elected tyrants, you were so horribly wrong.

Of course, the Bush Drones in the Congress will go along with it, because the only card they have left to play is their fear card.

Bush wants, in essence, to scrap the Constitution and change this nation into a fascist state and the stated justification is that a bunch of goons hiding out in the Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier are plotting more terrorist attacks. That is such an insane proposition that I have to wonder what else he is trying to do. And no, I am not ruling out the possibility that Cheney and Addington are cooking up a plan to cancel or set aside the election.

Funny thing, though: Bush seems to think that history will regard him better than 70% of the American do. I used to think that was a safe bet, since most Americans now think that Bush is the worst president ever and after all, there is still an argument that his distant ancestor, Franklin Pierce was worse, and then there is Warren G. Harding.

Compared to current leaders around the world, only maybe Robert Mugabe is more thuggish and Mikhal Saakashlivi is more incompetent than George Bush.

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