Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tony Snow

To modify a little what Montag said, Tony Snow was a first-rate shill for a bunch of second-rate fascists who are trying to turn this nation into a third-world country.

Tony Snow was symbolic of the core rot of the Bush Administration: They never ever grasped the idea that they are supposed to be the leaders of the entire country, including the 57,000,000 people who voted for the other guy and not just the overlord of those who voted for Bush. Snow seemed like a nice guy, but as the White House Press Secretary, he operated from the viewpoint of a Fox News gabfest host. He never seemed to understand that his boss was more than the leader of a some Right-wing lunatic fringe cult.

The Bush Administration has operated consistently in the same way that Jesse Helms did: Pandering to the base and giving the finger to everyone else. That only works so long as you can competently run the country. As has become glaringly apparent to anyone paying attention to any of the issues confronting this nation, "competence" is a charge that George Bush will always be able to answer: "Not guilty." That is why the recent LA Times/Bloomberg poll found that three times as many people disapprove of Bush as approve of him. Even Fox couldn't rig their poll to get the margin of disgust below 2 to 1.

And, as it was when Jesse Helms shuffled off to his well-deserved eternal resting place in one of the innermost circles of Hell, those people still alive who knew George Bush when he finally departs will be hard-pressed to say anything nice about him, other than "he loved his daughters and his dog."

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