Friday, July 18, 2008

The Nightly Routine

This is what awaited me when I went to go to bed last night.

(George is at the bottom left, Gracie is at the top right and Jake is at the bottom right.)

This would be fine if I was maybe 5'3," but I'm not. The challenge is to persuade George to move without pissing him off, because he is fully capable of then taking a dump right next to my bed.

If I had time this morning, I'd watch the recording of last night's airing of Burn Notice on my VCR. But I don't, so it will have to wait until tonight.


  1. Clearly - it is THEIR bed. You just get to sleep there.

  2. Where the swamp is alive with a thousand eyes,
    And all of 'em lookin' at you...


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