Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm Not the Only One Feeling "Bush Fatigue"

Vincent Bugliosi is feeling it as he tries to hawk his new book.

I suspect that 95% of the American people are just hanging on, waiting for Dorquemada to finish out his term. 189 days to go.

Can't we pretend that it is already 2009 and just skip ahead to the war crimes trials?


  1. ... the war crimes trials?

    Never happen. Nobody in D.C. has the balls. Well, maybe Feingold or Dodd, that's it.

  2. Fixer, I expect Bush to issue pardons for all of his top aides and cabinet officers anyway.

    No we won't be able to clean up our mess. But other nations will do the job, just as it happened after WW2.


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