Sunday, July 6, 2008

Democrat + Republican x Energy = FAIL

Not that a lot of people (including me) haven't been saying this for a long time: Our political leaders completely failed at preparing for the day of high oil prices. Democrat, Republican, they all failed.

I think the biggest "fail pin" should be awarded to Sens. Carl Levin, Jessie Helms and Rep. John Dingell, all of whom did everything they could to ensure that, as a nation, we would be driving gas-guzzling cars when oil prices climbed.

John Dingell should be pelted in the street with rotten fruit, for his argument was little more than a whiny "but the American auto makers in Dee-troit are too stupid tio figure out how to make good small cars at a profit."

Well, now they have to. And rather than know that they would have to, because of scheduled increases in fuel economy standards and/or gas taxes, they have to do it in a balls-to-the-wall hurry because of gas prices of over $4/gal and diesel of nearly $5/gal (or higher). What could have been a planned program is now a crash program.

Our national leaders failed us on this issue and the failure was bipartisan. They failed us because they sought to pander to parochial interests rather than the good of the nation.

Thanks for nothing, assholes.


  1. I can't wait to see the crap they are going to come out with too.
    Every small car Ford has come out with in the last fifteen years has been a piece of shit with road noise levels so bad you can't hardly carry on a conversation in one.

  2. I test-drove a Chevette once. It was the only car I've ever driven that I would have needed a calendar to determine the time to accelerate from 0 to 60mph.


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