Saturday, July 19, 2008


This is the bed I used when I was away on vacation. Since it was a single bed, only two of my cats occupied it at any one time.

This is Gracie in her favorite position, which is to say, lying next to me with her butt up against my thigh. It's a very pleasant event when she has shit all over her ass, as you might imagine.


  1. I have only one question. Since this bed appears to be 100% occupied by cats... where did you sleep? On the floor?

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  2. I kick them off the bed. There are a lot more places for them to sleep than there are for me to sleep.

  3. When they start paying the rent on this place, they can have a say where I sleep. Until then, I'm going to sleep in my bed.


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