Friday, July 4, 2008

Cat Log

Last night, as I was getting ready for bed, Gracie yocked up a huge hairball. Then, as I was just settling into bed, she jumped up on the bed and she smelled terrible. She had had a liquid stool and there was shit all down her ass and her hind legs.

So there I was, at about 11:30 PM, giving Gracie a half-body shower. She must have spent half the night alternately grooming herself and barfing up the results, which I had to clean up this morning.

I got the cat carriers out last night, as they are coming with me. Gracie normally hides when I bring the carriers out, but last night she didn't turn a hair. This morning, however, she is hiding away. I think she done broke the code on this.

The last load of clothes are in the dryer and the dishes are in the dishwasher. I'll run the vacuum for a little bit and then you can color me gone!


  1. Poor Gracie! And poor you!

    I laughed because I make sure things are clean and put away when I travel, too.

    Have a blast!

  2. I didn't run the vacuum, the cats were agitated enough as it was. I did make a few passes with a carpet sweeper, though.

  3. She still has loose stools, so she got another shower today. Then she got 1/8th of an Immodium tablet, so we shall see....


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