Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cat and Rug Question

I have a number of throw rugs over the wall-to-wall carpet in my apartment. Most of the rugs have fringe of some kind around the edges.

So why is it, when one of the cats barfs up a hairball (and its dinner), that they can be counted on to hit the fringe on one of the rugs as though they were using laser sights? The total floor area of my apartment that has fringe has to be rather small by a percentage basis, but it seems to be a favorite thing to barf onto.

Inquiring minds....


  1. I think it's a law of Cathood that all cats must barf up hairballs where they're least wanted. Generally somewhere near where you're trying to eat. Or sleep. Or type on a computer. Or ...

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  2. It's deliberate, as far as I can tell. Then they snicker in their whiskers as you're cleaning it up.

  3. hairballss come out closest to the most expensive rug, coat, clothing or furniture



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