Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Gay-Bashing Closet Case

That would be the Alabama Attorney General, Troy King. Yes indeed, another virulently anti-gay Republican politician is busted while having sex with another person of the same sex. This particular asswipe was outed by his own wife, who found him in the marital bed with one of his assistants.

The fact that he was also the Alabama Chairman of the McCain Campaign is just a bit of a bonus.


  1. Few more of those guys, and they can start their own party. Their slogan could be "We're here and we're SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"

  2. I give it about eight hours before it's "Heeeeeeeeeeere's Jesus!" time.

    Just once I'd like to see one of these hypocritical shitheels (did I hear someone say Larry Craig) just put on the feather boa and admit it.


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