Sunday, June 8, 2008


It has gotten hot here at Misfit Central. I hate running the a/c, but I hate being all hot and humid even more. So today, the windows are shut and one of the a/c units is fired up. I thought about a trip to the pistol range, but then I'd have to clean the guns and that requires open windows. I don't have a garage and I think the neighbors would have a few things to say if I had a bunch of disassembled weapons out in the breezeway.

The cats are all snoozing away on their third or fourth nap of the day.


  1. >>but then I'd have to clean the guns and that requires open windows

    Try Kleen-Bore #10 solvent. Doesn't stink like Hoppe's, and I think it does just as good a job.

  2. I use something similar, but I still like to have good ventilation when I clean them.


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