Tuesday, June 17, 2008

People Whose Mothers Should Have Had Retroactive Abortions

The clowns who came up with this button--

-- by their conduct, make a compelling argument why abortion should be legal until the 300th trimester after conception.

Let's just get this one right out there: If you are going to make and sell buttons like this, you might as well parade around wearing a white sheet.

For you are not "funny" or showing a "hard political edge" and that is not "humor." That is "racism" and you, ladies and/or gentlemen, are "racists."

(H/T to WTF Is It Now?)


  1. The Texas GOP had to eat some shit on that one...they put on a show of outrage, banned the vendor from future conventions, and announced that the rental the vendor paid will be given to Iowa flood relief.

  2. I'm of the opinion that if there hadn't been press coverage of the buttons, that the Texas GOP would have been fine with them being sold.

  3. You friggin A they would...


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