Friday, June 27, 2008

It's Not Just the Tsar of the Baboons

Even when Bush tries to do some good, such as expanding the programs to combat AIDS in Africa, he gets blocked the the ideologues in his own party. After all, it makes no ideological sense to focus on doing things that work rather than doing thing that pass some ideological purity test.

But the Republicans don't care if more people die. The Wingnuts have welded their minds shut, they know what is right, regardless of what the reality is on the ground.

These are the seven idiots, all Republicans:

Senators Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Jim Bunning of Kentucky, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Jeff Sessions of Alabama and David Vitter of Louisiana.

If you are a resident of one of those states, you might want to pick up the phone and call their offices to ask why they are such morons, But I suspect you already know the answer to that question.

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