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Monday, June 9, 2008
"History Will Vindicate Me!" -- Dorquemada
First off, I am astonished that Chimperor Dorquemada has read anything about history in his life. He seemed to major mostly in alcohol and cocaine; I'd not be surprised if every paper he submitted at Yale was cribbed from the Skull & Bones termpaper bank. Hell, I'd not be surprised if he paid someone to do the work for him, like that Wal-Mart heiress did.
Second, I suspect he's back at the ol' Jim Beam if he thinks that history will look kindly on him. The White House conference on the best way to torture people will probably be regarded as a bargain-basement version of the Wannsee Conference. Bush will be very lucky if he avoids arrest for his crimes and to do that, he will have to confine himself to this country for the rest of his life to to avoid the same fate that befell Augusto Pinochet.
If he is arrested, it will be a well-earned fate for the First Coward.
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COMMENT MODERATION IS IN EFFECT UFN. This means that if you are an insulting dick, nobody will ever see it.
if this wasnt so pathetic it would actuallly be funny