Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Give Me a Fraking Break; Religion Edition

So some fucking Right-wing nutball of a preacher gets upset at Obama over Obama's view of the Bible and it's major fucking news for MSNBC and CNN, judging by their web sites.

Who gives a rat's ass? I sure don't, because that is why I am not linking to the stories. The preacher involved is the same nutjob who has leveraged a few morons with word processors into gaining virtual control over the FCC. If you have ever wondered why they won't air "Saving Pvt. Ryan" on network TV anymore to commemorate D-Day the way that they once did, blame that guy.

But if you want to read a report about how the Republicans managed to turn the Justice Department under Ashcroft and Gonzales into another arm of the GOP, you're going to have to go elsewhere, for that is not worthy of a headline to either MSNBC or CNN.

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