Saturday, June 28, 2008


This is Rocky. He is not my cat. He is part Maine Coon, a very pretty cat, and has about the worst attitude of any cat I have ever known.

Jake is just chilling out on top of the TV cabinet. His flab is drooping over the edge a little.

George is waiting for his ride in the laundry basket. When I do the laundry, he hops into the empty basket and I have to give him a ride around the apartment so that he can see things from high up. This started when he was a kitten; he is now 12 years old.

George, Gracie and Jake check out the newest crop of cat grass. It takes a week to grow it and they can demolish it in a very short span of time.

Anyway, I ended the work week the way it began, by washing Gracie's shit-laden ass.


  1. LOL! I was just telling my oldest daughter about your posts about dealing with Gracie's poo-bum. We have a big, long-haired yellow tabby who is forever getting showers because he can't reach and clean properly.

  2. My cat is spending Caturday stoned. For Christmas, she got one of those catnip mice you stick fresh 'nip in. It dissapeared on the 26th, resurfaced in April for a day, vanished again, and is back today. Go figure. I have no idea where she hides the damn thing.


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