Saturday, April 26, 2008

There Is No Left, Left

Dashiell (and I am so blogrolling this one) makes the point that there is no "Left" in American politics today. What is left of the Left is just a boogeyman that asswipes like Darth Cheney and Hindenburgs[1] like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter rail about. If you took every left-wing commentator on television and sat them down, you wouldn't have enough people for a decent poker game.

This is the killer paragraph (but please click on the link above and read the entire post):

There is no left. It was killed when the labor unions bought into the war machine and became fat and complacent. It died when working people indulged racism and hatred and voted for smooth-talking liars who turned around and screwed them for everything they had. It was murdered when so-called liberals sent thousands of kids down the pipeline to Vietnam. Now we just sit and wait for scraps, hoping that some candidate will bring us “change.” But I don’t believe in left and right any more. I believe that there are greedy corporate pigs who own the country and are running the government. And then there are the rest of us, mostly trying to just get by.

As he points out, there are more of us than them. In that is the only seed of change left that might eventually save this nation from imploding. But it isn't going to happen while idiot politicians who are more liberal than Batshit John McCain and Darth Cheney get caught up in bullshit issues like gun control.

(I have not forgotten that a bunch of Republicans, including John McInsane, carried the water for the corporate fat cats to deny women redress for equal pay grievances, but I will get to that later.)

[1] Hindenburg- an adjective derived from the doomed airship of the same name. It denotes the subject as a "flaming Nazi gasbag."

(H/T to the Alternate Brain)


  1. to this day i dont know why someone will vote for guns or abortion or gay marriage over a better economic plan ---- we have so dumbed down this society and made the "left" such a curse word --- i dont know how long it will take to get it back

  2. I do think that our two-party system is entirely broken, and needs to be scrapped entirely. Until we get a new system, or a viable third party, we're in for constant political rogering from every side.


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