Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No, I'm Not Blogging About This

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal. "-- Emma Goldman, 1869-1940

The Supremes uphold Indiana's voter ID law, the law that was passed to fix a non-existent problem.

Susie in the Suburban Guerrilla is right, it is an absolute shame. Let's call these "voter ID laws" just what they are: They are the "Keep Those Dumb Democrat Nigras Out of the Polls" laws. That is all they are, there has been no showing of voter fraud. All these laws are nothing more than a move by the Republican Party to disenfranchise poor people.

But to be frank about it, the result is what I expected from the Roberts Court. This Court has aligned itself with the rich and the powerful. Any chance the Supremes have to press down the poor or the middle class, they do not let the opportunity pass by.

I respectfully suggest that anyone who expected otherwise has mush for brains.

And as much as I personally dislike Hillary Clinton, as much as I think she is little more than Karl Rove in a pantsuit and heels, this is why I will suppress my gag reflex and vote for her if she manages to steal the nomination from Obama.

1 comment:

  1. When they can win them, they steal them. I guess the method doesn't really matter, does it? The results are the same.


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