Saturday, April 12, 2008

Iran Endorses McCain

From BadTux, who encourages wide distribution of the image. Steal it and go for it.

But while the Iraqi government ties itself with Iran, the Chimpsters say that Iran is the problem now. Pay no attention to the fact that the Badr Organization has been funded by Iran and that the Badr Organization's fighters have been joining the Iraqi Army by the thousands. Pay no attention to the fact that President Ahmadinejad of Iran made a publicized state visit to Iraq last month, complete with red-carpet welcome at the airport and motorcade into Baghdad. This is in complete contrast to the visits by Bush and Cheney, which are made in the middle of the night and in complete secrecy.

It is pretty clear that what the Bush Administration is doing is trying to gin up a reason for attacking Iran.

If you think that the price of gasoline and heating oil is high now, if you think that times are tough now, just wait until these warmongering morons start dropping ordnance on Iran.

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