Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Diesel Engines in Airplanes

For the last several years, Thielert Aircraft Engines has made diesel engines for piston-powered airplanes. The DA42 twin was designed around them. Cessna is advertising a diesel-powered Skyhawk.

Thielert seemed to be the coming thing in aircraft engines. Until, that is, the founder engaged in a bunch of alleged financial improprieties, the German cops are investigating them and the company filed for bankruptcy.

Looks like we're going to be flying gasoline airplane engines for the foreseeable future.


  1. Hopefully someone buys the intellectual property from the bankruptcy court and puts'em back into production again. This is too good an idea to die -- for one thing, high-octane av-gas is going away, meaning that gasoline aviation engines are suddenly gonna be much, much lamer than they currently are, while a diesel will run off of jet fuel or really anything that even remotely looks like the right viscosity oily kerosene kinda substance.

    - Badtux the Flightless Penguin


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