Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bought and Paid For

If you've watched the news on any network, cable or broadcast, you have probably seen a "retired military analyst" who is on the network's payroll.

The New York Times has uncovered the fact that a whole lot of those folks were also being paid, however indirectly, by the Pentagon to be propagandists for the Bush Administration's party line on the Iraq War.
It is a long story that goes into a lot of detail as to how all of those so-called analysts were co-opted to not provide any analysis at all, but to serve as shadow mouthpieces for Donald Rumsfeld.

Those networks have a lot of explaining to do, that is other than Fox, since anybody who expects anything on Fox News to be anything other than propaganda for the Bush Administration has shit for brains.

1 comment:

  1. Anybody that has a fuckin brain and actually listens to what these guys say instinctively know we are being fed a line of bullshit.

    If its on MSM, it's propaganda, period.


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