Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Best Things Since Sliced Bread

If you are of a certain age, you may remember a time when much of the country would stop what they were doing to watch a certain television show. Roots was a classic example of that, though there were other miniseries around the same time that had wide audiences and there were series, such as I Love Lucy, though when it had its largest percentage audience, there were not as many homes with TV sets.

That stopped pretty much in the late `80s when people bought VCRs. VCRs (and now DVRs) freed everyone from the tyranny of the TV schedule. If there is a show that's on at an inconvenient time, so what, record it.

But what I really have come to love is Caller ID. It makes it even easier to screen calls than the old answering machines did. My friends and family don't feel as though I am screening my calls. I used to think that Caller ID wasn't worth the cost, but I was wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I never answer my home phone anymore. People who need to talk to me know to e-mail me first to set up a call.


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