A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Slava Ukraini!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Why Oil is Over $100 a Barrel
In 2000, people were complaining that gasoline cost $1.54 a gallon and there were stories about how people were "feeling the pinch." Now, after over seven years of Bush's firm leadership, people would sell their children into slavery for gasoline that cost only $1.54 a gallon. The price of a barrel of oil was $22.90 eight years ago, which means thanks, in large measure, to Bush's policies, the price of a barrel of crude oil has quadrupled.
One war against a major oil producer with a second war in the offing. Complete resistance to any programs to encourage conservation. No real action (other than a couple bouts of speechfying) on alternative energy sources. And when ExxonMobil is racking up profits of $40 billion a year, he seems to think that they need tax breaks.
But that's the way he thinks: If you are doing well, Bush will make sure you have more money.
On the other hand, if you are not doing well, the message from Bush can be summed up in three words: Go fuck yourself.
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Was there tongue involved, and which orifice was it inserted in to?
ReplyDeleteCP, you have *no* idea how much I didn't want to think of that.