Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Movies and TV

First off, to the folks who write Stargate Atlantis: Stop killing people off and then bringing them back! Between SG-1 and now Atlantis, you seem to be doing this shit at least once a season. It's getting old and it's the sort of dramatic trick that has people heaving heavy objects at the TV. So knock it off.

Second, to Hollywood, what are you chowderheads thinking by bringing out the move Stop-Loss? Do you have any brains at all? Has it not occurred to you that the movies about the Wars of the Baboon King all have one thing in common: They are tanking at the box office. Movies about an unpopular war made during the unpopular war are not ones that people go see. They can read about that in a newspaper (dead-tree or on-line) or watch the news, they don't need to spend ten bucks to go see it on the big screen. And whose idea of fun do you think it is to plop down a sawbuck to be entertained by watching a movie about the Iraq War?

Get a clue, people.

1 comment:

  1. Yes well, OD and black aren't cool anymore. Only movies where they use the words "desert earth", or at least the props all come in said color.


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