Monday, March 31, 2008

How To Tell When They Have Nailed the Bastards

Whenever someone resigns a high governmental or corporate job "in order to spend more time with their family," odds are good that either they were fired or an indictment is forthcoming. Or both.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson has submitted his resignation. For this one, the indictment for various acts of corruption seems to not be too far away.

How refreshing: A GOP politician who is being charged for something other than criminal solicitation of sex or sexual abuse of a child. Sort of "old school" of him.


  1. Shhh!
    ( small typo in the headline)

    Good riddance to this arrogant prick.
    You heard about his little shrine to himself in the lobby of HUD I suppose.
    This guy FINALLY got the sunshine treatment and true to form like a Bushie, his family suddenly comes first.

  2. Well, I've seen a couple of cases where it meant "You can take this job and shove it" -- but not this time.


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