Thursday, March 27, 2008


I am certain that I am not the only person who, for the last 7+ years, has been bashing Our Preznit for having stolen both elections that he supposedly "won." (When you look at it that way, Cheney's recent statement that he doesn't give a flying fuck what the American people think is no surprise.)

Given that, do not expect me to be supportive of a Democratic nominee who uses similar tricks of douchebaggery in order to win the nomination.

I will not. I am not willing to be a part of transitioning from one president who made a mockery of the democratic process to another. If Clinton wins the nomination by a fair and transparent process, I will support her, maybe not with any great enthusiasm, but I will support her.

Yet if I conclude that she has engaged in chicanery, sharp dealing and skullduggery in order to gain the nomination, then I shall not. I probably won't vote for McCain, but I won't vote for Clinton. And please spare me the argument that it's all about nominating judges to the courts and such. That is important, but it is not so important to me as to avert my eyes from the actions of a Democratic version of Karl Rove and George Bush.

This is where I stand.

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